*This is by no means an exhaustive list of the wonderful opportunities available in the Bryan College Station area. If you know of a co-op or a group that we have missed, please email us, as we would love to add it to the list!
LOOKING for BUSINESSES OWNED by Homeschoolers? Click here!
Homeschool Resource List for the Brazos Valley & Beyond
General Texas State Homeschooling Information:
Texas Home School Coalition: Texas State homeschool laws, withdrawal from public school, getting started with homeschooling
CHC Remind App for members:
For CHC Teachers:
BCS-HEART Email Loop
B-CS Heart Homeschool Loop
(email loop for the purpose of sharing of ANY information pertinent to homeschoolers)
To subscribe to the email loop, send an email:
From the moderator: Please watch for the auto-send file that goes out to all new member applicants, answer and return it to us, and provide us with critical information that tells us you are real, safe and local.
In this email group , we request specific information about the potential new members, including how many children they have, ages, how they heard about us, phone number and where they live.
Homeschool Resources and Activities
Community Homeschool Center (this website)
Mentor Program, Homeschool Clubs, Home school Classes and free, fun stuff
Meets on Wednesdays at Legends Events Center in Bryan, Texas
Co-ops (Family input required):
Brazos Classical Academy
Please look at the website for contact information
Brazos Valley Charlotte Mason Co-Op
Meets every other Friday September-May. Nature walks, nature journaling, poetry, and field trips for families using Charlotte Mason's methods & philosophy. Please contact amberjoycollier@gmail.com if interested.
Brazos Valley Robotics is a BEST Robotics team for 6-12 grades in the fall semester with activities including building a robot, preparing for an exhibit and presentation, and cheering the team at the competition. Sign up is August and September. Contact at bvrobotics22@gmail.com
Beyond Appearances Co-op
meets Thursdays at Westminster Presbyterian Church
contact: Glynda Bricker email: brickerfam8@yahoo.com
1st grade-12th grade
Classical Conversations
Classical Education based on the Trivium
www.classicalconversations.com four locations
website for contact information
Brazos Valley Christian Co-op
contact: Jennifer Ann Hobson at jahobson@gmail.com
Scale How Cottage School/Co-op
A communication cooperative of Charlotte Mason educators. Offering nature days, Mother Culture, and bi-monthly structured school days. Learn more at the website or contact soulcreativearts@gmail.com. Enrollment for the cottage school takes place in April. Click here for more information.
Join in for nature days and Mother Culture anytime throughout the year.
Academic Classes (Family input not required):
Paid and Free Clubs and Classes
One Day Academy
www.onedayacdemy.com - BCS link
classes in various subjects for all grade levels
email: bryancollegestation.oda@gmail.com
One Day Academy Online Facebook Group
KOR Education School
offers a half-day academic program
Oakwell Academy
Extra Activities / Tools / Educational Classes and Groups
PGM Choirs (chimes, handbells, choirs)
meets every other Friday at Emmanuel Baptist Church
Handbells — Ages 14+
Chimes (beginners and advanced) — Ages 9-13
Younger Choir — Ages 5-9
Little Bells — Ages 5-8
Older Choir — Ages 10+
Madrigals (audition only)
Moms’ bells and ensemble
Two concerts a year
contact Leelian Quek at mrslquek@gmail.com
American Heritage Girls Troops
We have five local troops meeting at different times and days. Contact local troops through https://americanheritagegirls.org/find-a-troop/ or email Elaine at aggierudy3@gmail.com to find out more.
Trail-Life Scouts Boys
Scouting group www.traillifeusa.com
Aggieland Homeschool Athletics
Christian Homeschool Sports Organization
Brazos Valley Christian Athletics (BVCA)
Brazos Valley Battlehawks.
Beyond the Box Homeschoolers of BCS - Meet Ups & Support (Facebook Group)
A homeschool group for families local to the Bryan/College Station area. The group is open to all homeschool styles, philosophies, and personal beliefs. The group will host/help plan play dates, meet ups, field trips, learning opportunities, and family/parent activities.
Brazos Valley Christian Home Educators Association
Sports, Six-Man Football Spelling Bee, Honor Society
Mustang Athletics Facebook Page
Brazos Valley Rhetoric Club
Speech and Debate for Homeschoolers
national group ncfca.org
Code Ninjas:
Summer Sessions, Homeschool Classes, Discounts, and More. (Computer coding, Computer Science, + FUN!)
Avante Garde-College Prep
Blinn Dual Enrollment
Mathnasium in Bryan, Mathnasium In College Station
Whether your child is struggling with math or loving it and wanting more, we can help! We are open for in-center as well as online sessions. We start with a free Math Skills Assessment, then build a customized learning plan specifically designed for your child's needs & goals. K-12, SAT/ACT/TSI/ASVAB/GED prep, college prep, homework/homeschool support - we can help your child to love math and be successful!
For more information about our program, or to schedule a Free Math Skills Assessment, give us a call: 979-221-1558
Purple Turtle Art Studio
Amazing art classes for all ages and medium
Even More Resources:
Robotics: robotics@grantinnovation.com
Civil Air Patrol tx041cap.org
Texas Homeschool Coalition thsc.org
National Homeschool Advocates since 1983 https://hslda.org/content/
After Graduation:
this website lists all 2 and 4 colleges in Texas
search “degree program” to find all the majors offered in Texas
Blue Baker tour & make your own bread
The Farm Patch
The Eagle--only older students
KBTX or other TV Studio
Peace 107
Sheriff's Office
Landfill(aka dump)
Water treatment plant
Franklin Safari
Brazos Valley Children's Museum-www.cmbv.org
Bird/nature watching - one option is www.riobrazosaudubon.org
Splash pad or pool
trail walk/nature scavenger hunt
library(see the behind the scenes of book sorting, circulation, etc?)
Hearne Train Depot
Brazos Valley Natural History Museum in Bryan
Airport - Hearne, Bryan, or College Station
Butterfly release
Brazos Valley Symphony - attend a rehearsal?
Theater performance for those interested in drama
DeZavala Vineyards - between Franklin & Marquez
Out of town Field Trips:
Blue Bell Ice cream plant in Brenham
Planetarium - Killeen http://www.starsatnight.org/
Dr Pepper Museum - Waco
Mayborn Museum-Waco--EXCELLENT Children Museum and the big kids had a great time as well. http://www.baylor.edu/mayborn/
Cameron Park Zoo-Waco--great, small zoo. They have some tours and programs
Corn Maze/hay ride/pumpkin patch - Brenham- http://www.brazosvalleymaize.com/
More field trip ideas here: http://aspiredliving.net/2013/10/14/field-trips-central-texas/
Brazos Church Pantry until 2:40 pm
Salvation Army until 3 pm
Brazos Church Pantry 979-822-2660
304 A W. 26th St, Bryan
Mon & Wed 1-2:30 pm, Tues, Thurs or Fri 9:30-11 am, Sat. 10 am -11:30 am
The Bridge Ministries 979-704-6037
408 E 24th St., Bryan
Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm
First Baptist Church (CS) 979-696-7000
2300 Welsh College Station
Thursday 9:30a-12:30p
Lincoln House of Hope 979-693-0400
1013 Eleanor College Station
2nd Friday of the month
Salvation Army 979-361-0618
2506 Cavitt Ave, Bryan
Wednesday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Brazos Valley Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry
The Boys and Girls Club of the Brazos Valley
1910 Beck Street, Bryan, Texas 77803
4th Saturday of the month (starts on June 25, 2022)
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

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