Where is it? The CHC currently uses the facility of Legends Events Center on Wednesdays only. (2533 Midtown Park Boulevard, Bryan, Texas 77801)
Is the CHC a Co-Op?
No. It's a membership facility. Like the YMCA, or The Brazos Center, or a gymnasium. You can rent rooms, reserve rooms, set up meetings for your own group, and hang out.
Is it just classes? To begin with, it was. But the vision is a stand alone facility, on several acres, with two gyms and multiple (think about a dozen) classrooms. We needed to prove the concept. We opened in 2009, and the concept has been proven. A facility for homeschoolers, regardless of group, teaching style, faith, sport group, co-op, ages, etc is NEEDED and wanted in the Brazos Valley, and families will pay for the benefit of having a "one stop shop" for everything.
So, other than classes, what is it? Monthly events (see the Calendar tab) with Chess Club, Lego Club, Spanish Club, Knitting Classes, Crafts, and more; we've had Monthly mom meetings, Quarterly Book Sales, even a Support Group meeting place, and space to teach your family, meet with friends (and not have to check how clean the guest bathroom is!)
Who can use the CHC Classrooms? Anyone. Renting a room is as easy as getting on the calendar (use the Contact Us link) and paying your rent ($12/hour) If you're a non-profit group, you don't pay rent.
Who has used the CHC?
Classical Conversations, BVCHEA, American Heritage Girls, Triumph, General Classes (see the Calendar link), EXPO Planning Parties, Aggieland Athletics, the annual Curriculum Sale, but mostly homeschoolers not affiliated with any group at all! It's for everyone.
Why is it a membership facility that costs (Why not free?)
Well, stuff costs money. Facility insurance, utility bills, having a wonderful manager on staff, keeping your children safe, taking out trash, paper towels, toilet paper... you get the idea. But mostly, it's a valuable thing, having a place that is just for homeschoolers, run by homeschoolers. What a blessing!
How many members are in it?
The last count had over 280 families on the membership roster.
What is the religious affiliation of the CHC? None. The CHC is focused on every homeschooler being welcomed to the facility. Much like the THSC (Texas Home School Coalition) and HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association), most of its members are Christian, and the Board of Directors runs the CHC in accordance to their beliefs (Christian) but no one is required sign a statement of faith to become a member. The CHC is completely open in membership for all who'd like to join.
How can I join?
Go to the CHC and fill out paperwork. If you'd like to pay with a CC, you can use the link via paypal. (You don't need a Paypal account to use Paypal. PLEASE include your family names and children's ages in the message portion of the paypal form, so we can have your paperwork all ready for you when you come to the CHC.)
Paypal.com email address is: communityhomeschoolcenter@gmail.com
How can I help? Offer a class, reach out to newbie homeschoolers, join the board meetings, "like" the Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, and Donate on the Paypal site with communityhomeschoolcenter@gmail.com