CHC News and Updates
Scroll Down to catch the upcoming news, recent reports, and any updates at the CHC.
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Remind App - send a text to 81010 with the message @chcbcs
Are you not "in the know?" Please be sure to join the Remind app for info on any closures or schedule changes. This is the MAIN (almost only!) way we can communicate with all members. Joining is mandatory. Notifications are optional. We recommend checking each Wednesday before heading to the CHC.
Can you commit just ONE HOUR PER MONTH?
We have MANY new homeschoolers!
Looking for helpful homeschooling mommas with more than 3 years of experience and two years of being at the CHC!
Please take an hour (maybe monthly?) to help at the CHC help table:
~ Please be sure to pick up your area: Throw away all trash, wipe up your own spills, take care to treat the location well - push in chairs, etc. This is our home away from home. Let's keep it nice! Turn items left behind into the Legends Desk for lost and found.
~ CHC Lanyards & Badges - If you have lost your lanyard, we likely have it at the welcome table. (Anything else, check with the Legends desk - they have a very populated lost and found.) Please be sure to wear your lanyards each week.
~ TURF ROOM ~ Everyone is welcome to use the space in the turf area before or after class times. Young children should feel and BE safe, while in there with parental supervision. Teens, please be aware of children, and keep your activities gentle enough for all to enjoy the area. Thank you!
~ ARCADE SPACE ~ Please remind your children that the arcade is not to be played on - as in "on a jungle gym." There have been several unsupervised children mistreating the games. Please remember that children under the age of 13 must have adult supervision at all times. We want the Legends Staff to be very HAPPY the CHC is here and not suffer damages at the hands of our children. Thank you!
Since the classrooms doors are in the back of the arcade, please do not use that space to congregate. Teachers & students need to be able to get in and out of their classrooms on the hour easily, and though the doors are heavy, loud conversations do seep through. Thank you for being courteous to the class time by finding another area to wait.
Mar 20
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Mar 27
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Apr 3
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Apr 10
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Apr 17
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Apr 24
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
May 1
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
May 8
Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
May 15
Last Day of the Semester - Regular Classes. 8:15am-4pm
Spanish Class Recital @12:30 in the flex space. No Spanish Classes.